Using a Board Portal With Remote Voting

Many organizations have found that using a web-based board portal with built-in remote voting capabilities increases participation from members who can’t make it to the meetings physically. This process is more secure and more like it efficient to organize. It also lets members vote from any location. However, there are key points to keep in mind when considering remote voting.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that email is not an ideal medium for a confidential vote. Business and personal email accounts are easy for cybercriminals to hack and alter the outcome of a vote. This could lead to an invalid vote. This kind of manipulation can be very difficult to identify and prove without a secure system like the board portal that is used by a variety of organizations.

Another issue is that a vote entered via email does not necessarily reflect the actual intent of the person casting the vote. If a person responds to a vote, they may choose between a simple yes or no, or an extensive paragraph that explains the issue. This could confuse or mislead other voters and lead to a confusing result of the vote.

It’s vital for any organization who is considering using email voting to have a strict procedure in place. Before any remote voting occurs it is essential that all members are educated on how to use the software used by the organization.

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